critical period extension
fellowship application
polymath documentaries
contact only if human.
applications closed
(for now)
be as precise as possible and spare no detail.
feel free to tell a story.
full name
e-mail address
date of birth
place of residence
what is the highest education you have completed?
how would you differentiate yourself from everyone else?
if money and time was no object––what would you do, how would you do it, and why?
in your mind, what is the largest problem our civilization faces today?
what is the most unorthodox and controversial idea you strongly believe to be true but you don't share with others?
why don't you share this idea with the world?
what do you believe is the purpose of humanity as an organism?
can negative outcomes at any scale ever be a good thing?
What are the best and worst parts about being alive today?
if you had one day to live as you exist today, what precisely would you do that day?
what is language and its purpose?
what is money and its purpose?
what are your thoughts on education?
what are your favorite hobbies and why?
what do you feel is your greatest strength as a person?
what do you feel is your greatest weakness as a person?
does science have all the answers?
if you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
what are the largest challenges in your life that you have overcome?
what are some interesting problems you have solved in the past?
in terms of industry, how would you classify your current project?
what problems are you trying to solve currently? how will you do it and why?
add all links relevant to past work.
add all links relevant to current work.
how did you hear about us?
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